In popular children's film Kung Fu Panda, a character remarks: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the 'present.'"
God designed humans to experience life through the present. Unlike God, humanity is incapable of experiencing time as a whole; instead, every individual experiences life as a series of successive moments. The present is continually flowing, suspending the individual between the past and the future. Enjoyment can be found only in the present, whether by enjoying a meal, writing a paper, or fellowshipping with friends. Even looking forward to the future is a hope experienced in the present; wistfully looking back to the past in retrospect still is experienced in the present.
But how often does humankind get caught up in the past or the future? Victims of tragedy or a dreary lifestyle sigh for the past, while the young and hopeful peer into the future and chase the horizon. Sin often finds a foothold in retrospect or prospect; procrastination and despair assume the hope or desperation of tomorrow, while wishful thinking looks backward to "the good days".
Even Kung Fu Panda offers a lesson to every human being: live in the present. Anticipate and prepare for the future, remembering that the present is moving toward the future. Look back on the past with wise retrospect, learning from past mistakes and using the acquired knowledge to aid in wise present decisions.
For no matter how hard humanity tries, the future is always ahead and the past is always behind. God desires His people to make the most of the gift of today. This day - this hour - this moment - is designed for us to enjoy and excel in.
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