Monday, April 5, 2010

What is Truth?

What is Truth?

This question has intrigued people since the very beginning of time. It's a question built into human nature. We all find ourselves asking this question, sooner or later.
If the answer doesn't emerge, we shrug it off.
Yet the question remains in the back of our mind, begging to be noticed.

Philosophers, theologians, and everyday people endeavor to answer the question. But sooner or later they run into a wall.
How do we know we're telling the truth about the truth?

By then, most people give up. "Truth is unknowable," or "There are no absolutes" they say.

What do you do when the question of right and wrong emerges?

Our very souls cry out for an answer to the question!

Jesus in John 14:6, says, "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life..."

What is truth? Or rather, who is Truth? . . . Jesus Christ.

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