Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Just Exist?

"Though you may not know

where your gifts may lead,

and it may not show

at the start,

when you live your dream,

you'll find destiny

is written in your heart."

Those words come from the closing song of the Barbie movie The Princess and the Pauper. Although seemingly harmless, they sum up one of the most prevalent and dangerous philosophies of today.

What is that philosophy?


What is existentialism?

One of the leading proponents of this philosophy defined existentialism as "existence precedes essence."

Dr. R.C. Sproul clarifies that definition when he says that existentialism is all about living for now - since it says that there is nothing beyond our existence right now.

Why is existentialism dangerous?

1. Existentialism denies the supernatural

If we're going to take the Bible seriously at all, we need to take the supernatural seriously. Every page of the Bible savors of the supernatural affecting our daily lives. However, existentialism says that there is no supernatural; that right now is all that there ever was, is, and will be.

Fellow Christians, take this point seriously.

2. Existentialism opens the floodgates of evil

Existentialism's denial of the supernatural leads to a more obviously destructive implication.

If there is nothing beyond this world, then there are no consequences for our actions. With no eternal consequences, then there's no real right or wrong - we make our own destiny. Since nothing matters forever, we might as well party out our lives. Thus the saying, "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die."

Do you see how existentialism leads to moral chaos?

3. Existentialism is deceptively attractive

Yet despite these huge dangers, existentialism is alive and well!

The secret of its survival is its prevalence in the media. Movies, books, and music scream at us to follow our hearts and dreams, to do what we want to do right now because that's all there is.

Watch carefully - existentialism may be hiding in your favorite things. Defend yourself from it and cling to the word of God alone!

1 comment:

  1. Amen. There is SO much more than "right now". However, we SHOULD follow our dreams, but we must make sure that they are dreams that God would approve of, that they are dreams which will glorify Him.
